Creative Dreams

Your one stop gift supplier, if you can think it we will make it.

"Page Title" - H1 tag, include SEO rich keywords or phrases.

"Page Description" - H2 tag, provide a short description about this page.

Need to keep an eye with who is on your website?

Keep Tabs

The Whois Online Module is a simple user tracker

This module is often used for customer service. When someone calls and says, "I'm on your website", it can help to track down exactly what page they are viewing.

System Requirements

Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.

  • Server OS: Linux or Unix
  • Web Server: Apache 2 with mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
  • Server Software: PHP 5+, MySQL 5+
  • Not compatible with websites running FrontPage Extensions, or Windows Servers (IIS)

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